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The TRUTH about what's happening to children of divorce in our community

Single parents working to cover both roles can find themselves spread thin when it comes to critical resources, like time, attention, and money. Rabbi Yoseph Vigler is the Founder & Rabbinical Supervisor of My Extended Family, an organization that addresses the needs experienced by children from single-parent homes. The organisation helps fill in the gaps with comprehensive and preventative support in a safe, caring environment.

The programs My Extended Family runs include homework help, school advocacy, big brother/sister mentorship, and more. Their main focus is on providing a warm, wholesome space where children can connect and thrive.

Rabbi Yoseph Vigler was born in Cape Town, South Africa and raised in Springs, a small shtetl an hour from Johannesburg. After studying in yeshiva at Ateres Yisroel in Bayit Vegan, Kfar Chabad, Kollel in New York and in Melbourne Australia.

Rabbi Vigler received Smicha from the Chief Rabbinate in Eretz Yisroel and Shimush L’Rabbonus in various areas of Halacha. Rabbi Vigler is a proud father of ten children K”ah and is passionate about disseminating the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his students and spreading Ahavas Yisroel.

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