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Shmuly Schneider - All The Hits | שמולי שניידער - כל הלהיטים

Get hit with a heavy dose of Purim spirit with this thumping dance mix!

Oh - and make sure it's on repeat all Purim long! L'chaim!


Arranged by Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry

Guitars by Avi Singolda

Brass by Danny Flam

Recording studio - The Sideyard Studio

Artwork by Rafi Barides

Animation by Blinq Media

Marketing - Shiezoli


0:00- 1:01 Shulem Aleichem - Shmueli Ungar / Pinky Weber

1:01- 1:55 Uvos Al Bunim - Shulem Lemmer / Yona Lipshitz

1:55- 2:53 Zeh Hakatan - Baruch Levine / Shmueli Ungar

2:53- 3:06 Va'ani Evtach Bach - Beri Weber/ Shmueli Ungar / Matt Dubb

3:06- 3:50 B’karov Mamash - Shmueli Ungar / Hershy Weinberger

3:50-4:21 Korveini Eilecho - Naftali Kempe / Eli Klein

4:21- 5:14 Ad Bli Dai - Shmuly Schneider / Yitzy Berry

5:14-6:30 Bar Yochai - Benny Friedman / Shloime Daskal / Matt Dubb

6:30- 7:14 Ah Fire Brent - Shmueli Ungar / R' Dovid Kaufman

7:14-7:29 Latzet Medikaon - Yagel Oshri

7:29- 8:07 Lehisvada - Beri Weber / Hershy Weinberger / Shaya Gross

8:07- 8:52 Ten Li Tfila - Shmuel

8:52- 9:15 L'chai Olamim - Mordechai Shapiro / Benny Friedman / Matt Dubb


/ @shmulyschneider


/ shmulyschneider

For Boookings: 347-306-1008

שמולי שניידער#


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