BS"D - בס"ד
Menachem Friedman presents: Ribono Shel Olam - Chaim Horowitz
I'm so excited to finally share "Ribono Shel Olam" with you all. This song means the world to me the words are so deeply meaningful and holy, and they've provided me with so much strength and inspiration.
I've poured my heart and soul into this track, hoping it can inspire others the way it has inspired me. It's been a dream come true to bring this song to life, and I truly believe it can make a difference.
Thank you so much for listening. I hope the song reaches the hearts of those who need it and offers them the same peace and comfort it has given me.
- Chaim
For Bookings Contact: +1347-570-0216
Song Composed by: R’ Moshe Goldman A”H
Lyrics by: Rebbe Aron Yosef Loria ZT"L - Avodas Hapanim
Music Arranged by: Menachem Friedman
Vocals and Choir recorded at: Menachem Friedman Studios
Choir by: Nussi Teitelbaum, Menachem Friedman
Guitar by: Avi Singolda - Recorded at Gal Pedeh Studios
Strings by: David Taub - Recorded at Banet Studios
Flute by: Dor Assaraf
Drums by: Avi Avidani
Mix and Master by: Menachem Friedman
Track Distributed by: Pinchus Raab
Video Production by: TwoTone Media
Digital Marketing by: Motty Klein @MusicOnTime
Video Members:
Chaim Horowitz
Menachem Friedman (Piano)
Yumi Sebbag (Guitar)
Stanisluv (Violin)
Luegi (Cello)
Meir Leffler (Percussion)
Menachem Friedman (Flute)
Special Thanks to:
Shlome Scharf
Shloimy Tyberg
Avrumy Kritzler
Nussi Teitelbaum
Eli Neiman
Duvy Weiss
Momo Teitelbaum
Meilach Braunstein
Motty Atias @ Motty Media
Follow Chaim on Instagram: / chaimhorowitzmusic
Follow Menachem on Instagram: / menachem_friedman_