Beautiful stirring musical presentation produced for the Connectify event Feb 14, 2023, Register now for the Connectify2 event this Monday Feb 26 in Bell Works!
Just about a year ago we joined together for a historic gathering of כבוד התורה and קידוש שם שמים. CLose to 2k post-sem girls and women of all ages from all backgrounds, from across the tri state area and beyond, joined together for chizuk, inspiration and to proudly proclaim ברוך הוא אלקנו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים ונתן לנו תורת אמת, and אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו! Besiyata Dishmaya we will once again be joining together for the Connectify Event…Connectify 2! AN EVENT THAT IS SURE TO UPLIFT AND INSPIRE! JOIN US; FEB. 26.24 IYH we will once again join arm in arm, כאיש אחד בלב אחד to be inspired, grow, and uplifted to new heights. Together we will reaffirm our connection and commitment to the beautiful, most rewarding and fulfilling life - a life of connection to Torah! Looking forward!
Limited seating avail! Tickets are selling fast!
Reserve your ticket today! or text 'connectify2' to 732-603-7916
Shela-He and Kupas Yom Tov presents "MY ETERNAL PROMISE", an original song and music video about the true power of an eishes chayil.
Featuring captivating sand art, authentic yeshiva footage, elegant lyrics, and a dazzling arrangement of instruments, this is the PERFECT song to usher in the ruach of Yom Tov.
Video produced by: Mint Media
Composed by: Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by: Miriam Israeli
Performed By: Moishe Mendlowitz
Backup Vocals: Yitzy Waldner
Music Produced & Arranged By: Avrumi Berko
Sand Art by : Aaron Berenstein
Cinematography: Elimelech Flam
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