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Concrete Wall

Debka - Yisoscher Guttman, Shea Berko, Yedidim - Aberko Production דעבקא, יששכר גוטמאן, יהושע בערקא

Yedidim Choir Presents, A magnificent and energetic Debka clip Bringing you some collectable classical songs Performed on Dec 23, 2021 in Tiferes Bais Yaakov Lakewood NJ at the Bar Mitzvah of Chaim Moshe Orlansky the son of Yanky Orlansky (Owner of Yedidim Choir), the audio track is also featured on Simchas Hachaim 10, watch, Listen and Dance along Song List 1) Debka – Viznitz/Karlin 2) Satmar – Composed by Reb Avrhom Wertzberger 3) Shiri – Breslev 4) Der Velt – Chabad 5) Niggun Simcha - R’ shlome Tchashniker (The song was reintroduced by the Bishtina Rebbe on his latest visit from Eretz Yisroel by the Melava Malka that was held at the home of Yanky Orlansky) Sponsored by: Shred up for all your paper shredding needs (718)234-1313 Music arranged by: Avrumi Berko Yedidim Choir: Arranged by Yoel Hersh Fuchs Post production Mix by: Avrumi Berko Song Concept List; Zevi Fried Filmed by: Motty Engel - Engel Studios Edited at: Studio62 The Yedidim Choir 347-871-8753 Twiter/instagram: @YedidimChoir


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