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Chinuch These Days

Chinuch these days…

at first glance - a kvetch and a sigh

of hopeless resignation

hands raised in classic “today’s generation” defeat

Chinuch these days?

It’s a giant, frightening responsibility -

So many challenges at school. At home.

Many parents struggle to do it all.

And the world outside is so distracting, impossible to block out -

Like never before.

On second thought…

Chinuch these days!

It’s alive and thriving, awe-inspiring!

Classrooms are vibrant, warm, happy places.

Our mechanchim and mechanchos are professionally trained, passionate, and in tune with today’s obstacles and how to navigate them.

Our children are learning, seeking, growing -

Like never before.

Chinuch these days!

Forget about good enough - what if we dared for greatness?

An investment in Chinuch that dares for greatness

Is an investment in Torah Umesorah

Buy stock in a most stable asset

that’s growing ever greater.

Torah Umesorah. Like never before.


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