Join us for an unforgettable musical experience in "A Night with MBD." This live video brings together the talents of Yanky Levy, Mordechai Ben David, Motti Feldman, and the Shira Choir for a magical performance at Camp Ruach Hachaim. From classic hits to modern tunes, MBD and Motti Feldman's voices blend seamlessly with Yanky Levy's production, all against the backdrop of a starry night. Immerse yourself in the unity and joy of music as these artists come together for a night of memorable melodies and inspiration. Credits Music: Yanky Levy Live Sound: stellar/ Moshe Zuckerman Video Editing: Benhesh studio Thumbnail: Shlomy Krausz @Triangle Media Special thanks to Shlomy Scharf To Book Yanky Levy for your event or Simcha: 347-675-0919 Book Shira Choir: 718-855-7447 Book Motty Feldman: 7326644216 - 3479882449 #MordechaiBenDavid #MBD #YankyLevy
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