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דיין טאטע האלט דיר 2.0 - יוסי לויבער • Dein Tateh Halt Dir 2.0 - Yossi Lauber

"My song 'Dein Tatte Halt Dir,' from its release, has touched and inspired many people in Klal Yisroel, giving them chizzik in dealing with their challenges. Now, in these trying times, I feel this song's powerful message can provide the chizzik we urgently need. I recreated the song with its lyrics in a powerful video to inspire and strengthen our emunah in Hashem. Let's all come together, knowing Hashem holds our hand and cries with us. May we merit the coming of Moshiach!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: Produced by: MENACHEM FRIEDMAN Sung and composed by: Yossi Lauber Music, Mix, master, and Recorded @Menachemfriedman studios Cover Art by: Template Media Additional lyrics by: simcha ganzfried Thanks to Mendy Mertz - double M productions Special thanks to Mechy Oberlander


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