"My song 'Dein Tatte Halt Dir,' from its release, has touched and inspired many people in Klal Yisroel, giving them chizzik in dealing with their challenges. Now, in these trying times, I feel this song's powerful message can provide the chizzik we urgently need. I recreated the song with its lyrics in a powerful video to inspire and strengthen our emunah in Hashem. Let's all come together, knowing Hashem holds our hand and cries with us. May we merit the coming of Moshiach!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: Produced by: MENACHEM FRIEDMAN Sung and composed by: Yossi Lauber Music, Mix, master, and Recorded @Menachemfriedman studios Cover Art by: Template Media Additional lyrics by: simcha ganzfried Thanks to Mendy Mertz - double M productions Special thanks to Mechy Oberlander
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